The timetables for the week
The full timetable, the Town Hall room timetable and the Zoom timetable are available in the Office and on our website.
Monday Morning Talk
There is no talk this week as Monday is a Bank Holiday.
Sad News: Peter Gotlop
It is with sadness that we announce that Peter Gotlop died on 17th April in the comfort of his own home at the age of 95. He was, for a great many years, a regular and popular coordinator at our U3A. He and his brother Tony and Tony’s wife, Daphne were all valuable contributors to our programme.
Peter’s specialty was in Architecture. As well as giving his weekly classes, he enhanced many a U3A Summer excursion with his insight into the architecture and history of the buildings we visited and, in the days when we took holidays together, he was an invaluable asset.
Peter was much loved and admired and will be sadly missed by all his friends, colleagues and family. The funeral will be a non-religious one, on Wednesday 10th May at 11:30am at Golders Green Crematorium East, 62 Hoop Lane, London, NW11 7NL
Please let Bernard Cohen know if you intend to go and if you would like to say a few words about Peter. No flowers, but if you wish to make a donation he has requested that you make it to Age UK.
The Drama Group
STOP PRESS!! Our first live performance since the pandemic will be in room 2.21 on Thursday May 4th at 11:00. We will present a light programme lasting about 50 minutes, featuring Catherine Osborn’s adaption of The Pot of Gold, by Roman playwright Plautus, and a few other pieces. DO COME!
An Important Reminder
Remember that if you would like to contribute in any way to the weekly Update, you should be contacting Alan Milward who has volunteered to take over from Amalia in compiling it. Email:
From Gilli, Sue and Dalia – The 2023 Summer Break Programme
We plan to hold 2 morning lectures and one 4pm lecture each weekday from 7 – 31 August, including a 2-day workshop on The Short Story. Lectures will be given on zoom, though some will be delivered from the Town Hall, and it will be possible to listen to lectures from room 2.21. Programme details may change before the Summer. We welcome more contributions
From Nigel Hathway – London Visits
Please find attached details of the 4 Visits planned over the coming months (May to July) where there are still some vacancies. As always, numbers are limited on each visit, so places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Now that Spring has arrived, we also have a Special Visit to see the Azaleas, when they should be in prime colour. We will be going to the Isabella plantation in Richmond Park on the morning of Friday May 5th. ( more information on the following link Isabella Plantation – Richmond Park – The Royal Parks) If you are interested in this Visit, please contact Ronnie Dellal. We will also be seeing the Azaleas at Kenwood on Friday May the 12thwith an optional walk around the house in the morning.
Mah Jong for beginners starts on 22nd May
Learn to play one of the oldest games in the world upon which many of the other games, eg rummy, are based. It is played with tiles in 3 suits, (characters, circles and bamboo) the 4 winds (North, South East and West) and 3 dragons (red, green and white). There are wonderful traditions such as “building the Great Wall of China” and “twittering of the tiles”. We will learn to play British Mah Jong rules using the book: Mah Jong (Know the Game) by Gwyn Headley.
The class will be restricted to 10 participants. Please get in touch with Caroline Hough if you are interested.
From Wally Howard
This week’s programme continues our journey through Russian Cinema with the following films. All in room 1.22.
Wednesday May 3rd at 2pm
From the Director of The Return
An Andrey Zvyagintsev film
Loosely based on a short story by William Saroyan The Banishment is a powerful and atmospheric portrait of an unravelling marriage. Visually powerful and haunting.
Thursday May 4th at 2pm
From the autobiography of the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky
Directed by Mark Donskoy The first part of the trilogy
From Peggy Wylie
I am afraid I have had to cancel my Spanish for beginners class this week on Thursday.
From Alan Morton
My Energy and Climate Change class will take place as usual at 11.40 on 2nd May but after that there will be no more appearances until the Autumn term. (The timing then will change to 10.30 – 11.30 and the fortnightly sessions begin on 26th September).
From Stephen McGhee
Please notice that the rhythm of the fortnightly Classical Music Appreciation, Wednesday has changed. I will be running a session again this week – then on the 24 May, 7th and 24 June and finally 5 July.
From Barbara Alden
My two classes, Voice Matters and Qi Gong, won’t resume until Tuesday June 6th.
From Stephen Barry
This term’s first fortnightly illustrated talk in my London Miscellany series, on Thursday May 4 in Room 2.26 at 11.40 am. will be on the fascinating history of Hoxton Square in Shoreditch.
From Ken Baldry
EUROPEAN HISTORY Wed 11.40 – 12.40 (Room 2.21) Talk 100 Art in the later 16th Century: Corregio, Anguissola, Fontana, Longhi, Galizia & Caravaggio with 179 slides & contemporary music.
The full programme is on
A Reminder from Maxine Jason
Maxine, who takes an art class in collage, has asked me to request again a plea for pictures/photos to use in her art class. Please bring them to the Office.
Calling all Music Classes (and users of room 2.26)
I wonder if there would be room for our new keyboard in room 2.26 so that the music classes in that room will be able to make good use of it. What do the other users of room 2.26 think?
From Ruth Freeman
A Ballroom/Latin Dance group of 14 is looking for more leaders (men/women) who would like to join a class for Beginners’/Improvers. It’s £20/term for over 60’s, on Tuesdays at 5-7p.m. at Golden Lane Community Centre (2 stops from King’s Cross tube station).
From Barbara Stevens
As the committee representative for Third Age Trust I occasionally offer some snippets. There is a Heritage nationwide campaign for u3a members in ‘Their Finest Hour’ to collect and preserve the everyday stories of the Second World War. Upload your war-related stories and materials on ’Their Finest Hour’ website ( Do you support a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing? What are your thoughts and what issues would you want a Commissioner to advocate for on your behalf?
Used Postage Stamps
Sue Kwok has taken over collecting used postage stamps which can be left in the office at the Town Hall.
Summer Coach Outings
Before the pandemic one of our members used to organise 3 coach outings every year as part of the Summer Programme. These were very popular and it would be great if they could be restarted, maybe with just 1 or 2 this year. If you would be willing to take over the organisation of these events please email the office. at
From Christine Bye
I appreciated the lovely cheerful photos from Valerie Wilson Trower of the day out at the V&A and also the pictures of Valerie and Alison painting the common room to brighten up what was rather a dull, narrow room. It was not particularly inviting to lift one’s spirits and now it is much more cheerful.
We’ve had a depressing grey winter in this country. Let’s now be happy, love the sun and blue skies!
From UCL Audiology Department
UCL is looking for hearing-impaired volunteers on their audiolgy research project, Details on and we also have them in the office
To make you smile
Best wishes from the team