U3A in London – Interim Update August 2022

This information was published on: August 15, 2022

Dear Member

We hope you are making the most of the sunny weather, although we all know how much we really need some rain! We also hope you are enjoying our Summer Programme and we are delighted to see how many of you are returning for the in-person talks at the Town Hall.

Zoom Link

For those of you who have lost or mislaid the link to the remaining Zoom talks in the Summer Programme, here is a reminder of how to access all talks.  Click on  

Or use Meeting ID: 825 7993 5258     Passcode: 798950

(Please note that Colin Lomas has had to cancel his Zoom talks on 11, 22 and 25 August).  He will return on 5 September.


Those of you who came to the Town Hall to remember Barry Rae’s tremendous contribution to our U3A had a lovely time.  We enjoyed being together with drinks, refreshments, performances, video clips and a slide show of pictures showing Barry in action.  It was a real pleasure to see his partner David there – we all really miss Barry’s smiling face.


Our 40th Anniversary

Our next big event is on 11 September, when we will be celebrating

Join us on Sunday 11th September at 12.00 noon in the Atrium for an exciting programme – with delicious food (from Jo Rapkin) and drinks.  There is no charge and you can pick up a (free) ticket from the Office.  We need to have an idea of numbers.

We will be distributing a commemorative booklet to mark our 40 years of existence – we have had some contributions, including one from Ralph Blumenau, and we would like some more.  If you remember how you felt when you first joined us – or can offer any other anecdote, poem or story, let Marie-Ange know.   After lunch, there will be:

  1. Taster sessions of some classes. Any more coordinators willing to join the fun, let Marie-Ange know. 
  2. Acknowledgement and a chance to say a big ‘thank you’ to some of our longest-serving coordinators.
  3. A musical sing-along. We would like some accompaniment from any of our instrumentalists. Any volunteers? (Incidentally our keyboard has disappeared (stolen?) during lockdown.  Can any of our members lend us one?  And could anyone play it?)

It should be an enjoyable occasion and we’d love to see you there! 

Membership Renewals

As some of you are aware, we have had some problems with our database which meant we had to go back to archaic pen and paper.   The good news is that due to the efforts of one of our members, the situation has been resolved and rest assured that your renewals will be recorded.

We would like to thank those of you who have already renewed your membership by whichever method of payment you used and to express our gratitude if you added a donation.   In future, renewal payments will be entered directly on the database. We are not sending out receipts this year but please look at your bank statements if you wish, to check that we have received your payment.

A reminder. You can renew in person at the U3A office when it is open (see Summer programme)

  • Or by post by sending a cheque payable to U3A in London to U3A Office, Old Town Hall, 213 Haverstock Hill, London NW3 4QP.  Please print your name and membership number on the back.
  • Or by direct payment into our bank account, giving as reference your membership number and name.

Bank details are available from the office

From Steve Barry


So as to attract new members, we will be holding an Open Day on Tuesday, October 18 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.  The plan is to have a room with tables representing groups of classes where visitors will be able to discuss the courses on offer. There will be no visits to classes.  

Advance publicity for the event will be obtained through leaflets we are having printed for members to distribute, plus coverage in local media and on our website.  Co-ordinators who would like their class to be represented have already been contacted. On the day we will need helpers to do a variety of tasks, so please offer your services if you can. You are also encouraged to bring along a prospective new member.

Contact the Office to see how you can make the Open Day a great success.

Timetables for next year (from 19 September)

On the website are the latest versions of the room and Zoom timetables for next term to help you make some plans (together with the ‘handbook’ with descriptions and fortnightly dates).  They are almost complete – the few that are not yet confirmed are shown in red.  You will receive the final version when we resume sending out weekly Updates before term begins.

Enjoy the Summer break!

Best wishes,