Norman Warren sent us this fine photo of the Beginners’ Bridge class.
Summer Programme
The final Summer Programme and to the Continuing Classes taking place in the Town Hall and on Zoom over the summer break has been sent to all members.
Please email Gilli for recordings. We will probably not be sending other Updates until the new term starts on 16th September. So have a lovely holiday and take full advantage of the good weather.
From Gail Levy
A very hearty thank you to our members who have come into the office with flowers, chocolates and to offer their thanks for all the office volunteers do. It is so appreciated as we all work so hard to keep U3A running smoothly. For the few discontented members please come and volunteer and you will see the volume of work and how, as volunteers of various ages, we do the best we can. It may not be perfect, but who is perfect?
There are wonderful classes and talks in the summer programme which I am sure will be enjoyed. The Common Room will be closed during the summer break.
Looking forward to seeing you all in September.
From Wally Howard: Film Classes
‘In the light of the turmoil of the American Presidential election, I think it would be appropriate to show Ken Burns documentary
THE ROOSEVELTS: An intimate History.
This documentary will be screened in four parts in Room 1.22 at 2.00pm on
Monday 2nd September, Wednesday 4th September, Monday 9th September and Wednesday 11th September
From Maggie Fletcher: Modern And Contemporary Literature
Bridging Course Summer 2024 Text The Bell (Iris Murdoch 1958)
The group will meet on Wednesdays July 31st, August 14th and August 28th. If there is more to be said we have the option of a final session on September 11th. This is a ZOOM group and members will be sent a link to join between 1.45 pm and 2 pm. Discussion will finish at 3.30 pm.
From Jan Potter:
Free digital skills training for U3A London, taught by Ability Net in partnership with BT Group. The training is to help people aged 65+ to make the most of their smartphone or tablet. 3 sessions will run from 10.00 to 12.00 on Friday mornings.
- Solving problems and finding information online – 6 September Room 2.21
- Getting to know your smartphone or tablet – 23 August Room 1.22
- Staying safe online – 30 August Room 2.21
To make you smile
The tenor sang his aria. ‘Encore!’ the crowd shouted.
He sang it again. ‘Encore!’ the crowd shouted again.
He sang it again.’ ‘Encore!’ the crowd shouted once more.
‘Oh, please,’ he said, addressing the audience, ‘I can’t sing it again.’
The response was a shout from the audience: ‘You’ll sing it again and you’ll keep singing it again until you get it right.’
The wife phoned her husband. ‘Darling, I’m afraid I’ve had an accident.’
‘Are you all right?’
‘Where is the car?’
‘Oh, that’s all right, it’s here with me in the hedge.’
With all good wishes for a wonderful summer from Gilli, Richard and Maureen